So well-written! I love that this post talked about crime and also covered what you did on your trip, which I have been so curious about. I’d definitely go on this tour, so thanks for the recommendation.

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Thanks for reading! I wish I could somehow fold the other, royal-themed walking tour we took into the newsletter somehow, though now that I think about it there is probably plenty of crime associated with the British monarchy!

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May 7Liked by Tracy Bealer

This is the same tour that Vern and I took on our London trip a few years ago--he hadn't written a book yet. It was very dependent on the murders themselves and while I really loved the tour, it felt a little exploitive seeing their bodies laid out digitally on the ground. Poor creatures.

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I totally agree. I guess you sort of know what you’re in for signing up for such a tour, but neither those women nor their descendents I imagine in any way consented to the photos being used to spice up a walking tour.

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