This is interesting stuff! In fact, it sounds as though what you have to say about the show maybe more interesting than the show itself. Perhaps you have invented your own genre, which we might call meta meta true crime. Oh, & body language? Couldn’t agree more!

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Thanks for reading! Meta meta true crime! Love it!

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Jun 18Liked by Tracy Bealer

I started watching but bailed for the reasons mentioned. Tedious (all apologies to the victims). I actually remember this crime happening, big stuff in Canada. But I had not heard about the AI use! I'm an pretty ardently anti-AI (slippery slope) so now I think I'll take another look. But I'll likely fast forward ...

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I'd be curious to hear what you think! The AI pics are easily noticed, and totally superfluous, in my opinion, which makes it all the worse. I had heard the YouTube doc I mentioned was "a lot better," but it also relies so heavily on the interrogation footage that no one seems to be interested in saying anything about the context of the case, except the news pieces. In this case, it seems like *not* using the footage creates more nuanced and thoughtful takes.

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